Monday, March 30, 2009

AnGeL ~ TaLenTiMe~

LaGu Ni BesT GiLer.. The LyRics Is So BeauTiFul....


i have a dream of you i can't defy,

you've been on my mind,

don't go,

i'll be lost without you by my side,

to stand on my own...

yea, i'm fallin' for an angle


you're the brightes star shining next to mine

every night and day

do you know 

stars explodes and they fade away

and they fade away

yea i'm fallin' for an angle 2x

won't you please be my baby

come by and i'll lay you down

i love you and i'm sayin i love you too

won't you please be my honey

i'm sorry that i let you down

your eye are breaking my heart in two

break my heart in two,


may the one of us keep you safe

for the rest of day

if he knows

how i love the smile upon his face

like you here to stay

yea i'm fallin for an angle3x

ak da try upload video tuk lagu neh..

tapi x ley la..

tapi kalu nak dgr gak..

g kat laman web ni...



  1. it true,the is great? heheheh

  2. thanks for the song lyric although you have to make a few corrections la's angEL not angLE...if you translate this lyric of yours into malay, it would sound something like.."sudut, ku mimpikan kau selalu" or "ya saya sedang jatuh untuk sudut" because angLE is sudut not malaikat. i'm pretty sure you meant the latter which is angEL in english. sorry if you can't accept the way i commented. Thank you very much though for the lyrics.


  3. salma singgah...aku dtg sini sebab aku tengah cari lirik lagu ni...memang aku suke lagu giler
    x sangke jumpe kat sini..thanks dude...
